Sunday, January 22, 2012

Several Great Clocks came into the shopThis Week

I had several wonderful clocks brought in to the shop this week. Mostly wall and mantles but went out to pick up an old Tall case clock from England. Will need a total rebuild on the movement. Cant wait to get started.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A great little Seth Thomas Oak mantle clock. Has been service regularly, however there were a few pivots worn out so I replaced them, did a thorough cleaning. Again set it up on the Miroset and adjusted it. Cleaned the outside of the case with a Howards product. I really enjoyed repairing this clock, and was so happy the way it turned out

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy New Year

How time fly's, Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. This year is starting out crazy. We are usually slow this time of the year. But this year is different. We have scheduled a lot of grandfather house calls for the next few weeks. I will have to do 2 per day for the next 3 weeks just to stay up with the volume. ( I'm not complaining). We have decided to remodel the shop this winter. All is going well. Ill post pix when it is all done.