Monday, July 9, 2012

Didn't realize how long it has peen since we posted anything. Business is picking up quite well. We received 2 beautiful clocks in from Mississippi today. cant wait to get started on them. Finished up a beautiful English tall case from around mid 1800's. I had to overhaul the movement. It has been on the test stand for 8 days now and will by going home on Thursday. When it is completely set up I'll post some pictures. Amazing that something that is 150+ years old is still working today. You cant even buy a new clock and expect it to last near that long. I have been trying to post some instructional videos on youtube and will tie them into our website for the customers that just have questions or want to do some minor repairs on their own clocks. I have just a quick one showing how to adjust the speed of a Grandfather Clock at 

 if anyone is interested.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Things have been really busy here at the shop. It seems like we have been repairing Grandfather clocks more than anything lately. Because of this we have worked out a deal with Hermle Clock Company and will now start offing a full line of their clocks. Hermle is a German company that makes all the movements for Howard Miller and Ridgeway clocks. They have been making quality movements for along time, and now offer some of the most beautiful clocks around. Check out our website and you will see just a few of the clocks we offer. We will be adding more when we get more time. We encourage you to make an appointment with us so we can show you some of the features of each clock and help you find the right one for you and your family. When ordering a Grandfather clock form us they are shipped to your home or office and we will come out, unpack and set up the clock for you. At that time we can answer any questions you may have about the clock. Each clock comes with a 2 year warrantee and if we service the clock at the 2 year anniversary we will extend that warantee. We hope this service will be helpful to thous in the market for a classic Grandfather clock. Please give us a call if you have any questions.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Great Cuckoo Clock came in and is ready to go home now

Customer brought in an old Cuckoo clock from the early 1900's recently The clock was in her family since the beginning. It was in pieces, not sure what happened but it was rough and looked like it had been either in the attic or basement for some time. When she discovered it, she said there was a snake living in it and their was a mouse skeleton in it. The wood was dry rotted and was cracked in a few locations, the movement was there but it was worn out and dirty. The bellows (the part that makes the cuckoo sound) was missing but the whistles where there. I overhauled the movement, put in new bellows, and most of all repaired the case and refurbished the wood case. I did not refinish the case because I did not want to diminish the historic value of the clock. As you can see in the pictures the finished clock turned out wonderful and it is keeping great time. Its on the way home this week and I'm sure the customer will be happy. I love when I get the rough ones in and they turn out this wonderful. I truly love restoring history.

I received an Ogee 30 hour clock  today as well. I have not taken any pictures of it yet but will soon. I think the Ogee was buried along side of someone. It is the roughest one that has ever come into me shop yet. After looking at it for a bit, it looks to be around 1880-1890 and has about 100 or so years of dirt and crap on it. It looks like someone had painted it silver at some point, but I think there is some beautiful wood under all that dirt and paint. Ill let you know when I get ready to start on it. I'm getting backed up on clocks coming in.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

In-Home Clock Repair

Clock Repair Service has always provided In-Home Clock Repair for Grandfather clocks as well as large wall clocks. We are the only Clock Repair Service in the Metro Atlanta area that we know of that has a mobile Clock shop that sets up a complete shop in your home next to your clock. We will remove the clocks movement on the site and clean the movement right there. Its rare that we have to take the clock movement back to the shop but if we do we will repair or replace it and get your clock up and running again.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Several Great Clocks came into the shopThis Week

I had several wonderful clocks brought in to the shop this week. Mostly wall and mantles but went out to pick up an old Tall case clock from England. Will need a total rebuild on the movement. Cant wait to get started.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A great little Seth Thomas Oak mantle clock. Has been service regularly, however there were a few pivots worn out so I replaced them, did a thorough cleaning. Again set it up on the Miroset and adjusted it. Cleaned the outside of the case with a Howards product. I really enjoyed repairing this clock, and was so happy the way it turned out