Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas

I hope Everyone has a wonderful and Merry Christmas. This has always been the most wonderful time of the year for me and my family. And I hope it is for your family as well. Again Merry Christmas and a happy New Year..

Friday, December 2, 2011

We Replaced the clock motors in the Clock tower at the Regions bank in Douglasville,  Ga this week. Had a great time. Its amazing that the motor to run each clock is about the size of silver dollar. I'm so glad all the work was done on the inside of the tower. It's not allot of fun having to work out on the outside, especially in the rain. Plus having to get permits to block off the street is a hassle, but sometimes has to be done. All worked out, got the clock up and running hopefully the bank will learn how to set the clock for daylight savings time. This was a real fun project, I look forward to doing some more like it again soon. Unfortunately clock towers are few and far between, however the few I see are usually broken or way off time. There was once a time that most towns people depended on the towns clock tower. Most people set their pocket watches to the towns clock tower.

 My how times have changed and how times have stayed the same. Pocket watches were the way most people told time. Its funny how most of us carry a  Modern day pocket watch again. (our phones). Maybe clock towers will come back again


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Repaired a Shatz 1000 day clock the other day turned out beautiful. The customer brought it in and it was in pieces. A little dirty on the outside and quite filthy on the inside. All the oil had turned to past and had worn out a few pivot. Nothing to terrible but I had  to install 4 bushings along with the suspension wire. After the repairs and putting it back together it was oiled, adjusted and put on the Micro Set. (Thanks to Bryan Mumford ) I don't know how we used to do it with out one, Saved me several days of adjusting and setting the perfect beat. All worked out great for the customer and just think he won't have to wind it for about another 2 3/4 of a year. Great clock, loved working on it.